Hello, this is is Ryley, with the “Daily News” today the Germans have executed one person this month, she was found in the in the forest helping two Jews. Many Jews have escaped to Sweden luckily that they don’t search the boats. One month later they are starting to search the boats but every captain was given a handkerchief so the dogs wouldn’t find them they already found Jews on two boats. It is 1934 this all started in 1933 lets hope the Germans leave soon. The Germans have gotten frustrated and got dogs to find them. Two years later it is now 1936 5 people have bee executed in the town square they broke out of the concentration camps and made a run for it 2 people died trying. Three made it Lisa got ran over by a German jeep. Kristen was shot in the same place vary tragic one person got injured he was peter Nelson
he got shot on the arm but was able to still run away. Lets just hope nobody else gets shot nor killed We just got word that Denmark sunk their own navy! Watt will Christian X to next It is now 1943 many Jews have been taken about 6,000 Jews were taken/Killed and about 3,200 were taken to Sweden. Hopefully the war is almost over but not yet they have taken my family even though their not Jews many people are being poised then bared to get out of the population. The last execution One hour ago was peter Nelson but the war is over all the bells are going off people are waving flags they have left but they refused to give us the dead bodies of family members. But we still will have a great time celebration this is
Emma have a great day.